Symposium Invitation

Dear Colleagues, Scientists, Industry Representatives, and Industrialists,

The mining sector is an indispensable part of our modern world and plays a critical role in the development of industry, technological advancement, and economic growth. Additionally, the importance of minerals spans a wide range, from energy security to national defense. The stable and sustainable supply of these minerals is essential for Turkey's continuous development and strategic plans. As Türkiye’s efforts toward industrialization and modernization continue, the effective management and utilization of underground resources will be decisive in achieving long-term goals. This symposium aims to bring together the latest developments, innovations, and challenges in the discovery, extraction, processing, and sustainable use of metallic minerals.

As scientists, industry representatives, academics, and policymakers, we would be honored to have you join us at the Metallic Minerals Symposium (MMS-2025), which will be held at Çukurova University, Mithat Özsan Amphitheater, from May 28 to 30, 2025, to share our knowledge and experiences for more efficient, safer, and more accurate mining practices.

We look forward to seeing you at our event, with our best regards.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahmut ALTINER                                     Bülent ZERENGÖK

Chairman of Executive Committee                     Chairman of UCTEA Chamber 

                                                                                  of Mining Engineers Adana Branch